Other Community Health Issues
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NACCHO’s Community Health Promotion Team develops resources and engages local health departments to enhance practice in healthy community design and chronic disease prevention. The team works with local health departments to address upstream factors, helping local health departments build capacity, implement, evaluate, and sustain their efforts to create healthy communities. The following teams work hand-in-hand to promote community health:
For information about Community Health Promotion, or for inquiries regarding training, technical assistance, and consulting, contact NACCHO at [email protected] or [email protected].
Brownfields are predominantly located in communities with a high density of low income and minority residents who are disproportionally exposed to environmental hazards, intensifying inequitable health outcomes. Local health departments and community organizations can use Health Impact Assessment (HIA) to develop research-based recommendations on community brownfield redevelopment plans that prioritize community health and wellness. A successful example of a brownfield redevelopment Health Impact Assessment can be seen in Pasco County, Florida where HIA was used to influence the County's redevelopment of a brownfield site into a multi-use community center. Pasco County is a successful model for bringing health to the forefront of brownfield redevelopment and increasing community engagement in the redevelopment process. This case study encourages local health departments to lead brownfield redevelopment efforts using HIA as a tool to address segments of their community that are polluted and neglected. Brownfields are a barrier to community health and well-being, the case of Pasco County offers a solution to this barrier and a method for enhancing the health of vulnerable communities.
NACCHO offers training and technical assistance to local health departments working on Brownfield abatement strategies through Health Impact Assessment (HIA) or Health Impact Assessment-Like work. An HIA-like activity need not follow all phases of the HIA process or meet the Minimum Elements for HIA. An HIA-like project will focus on three or less health impacts and can be performed as a limited desktop analysis.
For information about brownfields, or for inquiries regarding training, technical assistance, and consulting, contact NACCHO at [email protected].
From Research to Practice: NACCHO Supports Local Health Departments in Translation and Dissemination
NACCHO aims to improve the adoption and use of effective approaches to chronic disease preventive services among Local Health Departments (LHDs). In line with this goal, NACCHO promotes the adoption and translation of evidence-based strategies, policies, and programs that reduce chronic disease risk factors, and increase access to environments that provide opportunities for health and wellness. This web page is devoted to helping LHDs translate effective strategies into practice by providing up-to-date information on the latest research in translation and dissemination and tips/tools for dealing with related challenges
What is Translation and Dissemination?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, translation refers to the sequence of events from discovery of new knowledge to its adoption and use in practice settings. Translation involves several elements including dissemination, implementation and diffusion. Dissemination refers to the targeted spreading of information or technology about effective strategies, programs, policies, and research findings. Implementation is comprised of strategic and planned activities to put new knowledge into practice. Diffusion involves processes that move knew knowledge into common use and understanding. NACCHO's goal is to support LHDs in the widespread translation of chronic disease prevention practices, programs, and policies.
NACCHO's Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making and Planning
NACCHO undertook a process and outcome evaluation to assess the effectiveness of its Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making and Planning in increasing LHD capacity to incorporate the translation of evidence in to their decision-making and planning practices. Click here to access report. To pilot test the framework, NACCHO funded 5 LHDs to implement evidence-based recommendations from The Community Guide, a CDC resource that recommends strategies, programs, and policies proven effective. The success stories below, highlight the accomplishments of funded demonstration sites in translating effective chronic disease prevention programs into practice:
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Representing the nation's 2,800 local governmental health departments (LHDs), NACCHO is advancing the nation's efforts to prevent diseases and helping American's live more healthful and productive lives. NACCHO, in conjunction with its membership supports the achievement of the goals delineated under the National Prevention Strategy (NPS) and are is taking action along with local partners, and local communities to promote policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to address disease risk factors.
What can local health departments do to implement the National Prevention Strategy?
With the passing of the ACA and the changing dynamics in local, state, and federal levels of government, local health departments are in the unique position to aide their communities in implementing the NPS. Local health departments can engage local stakeholders including elected officials, business community, faith-based institutions, and health providers and serve as data and information experts on the impact that a healthy community will have in their local area and region. Roles that local health departments can undertake in the implementation of the NPS:
- Serve as Community Health/Health Impact Assessment experts
- Form local coalitions of stakeholders and community members to disseminate the goals, objectives, and benefits of the NPS
- Advocate for the implementation of priorities and recommendations listed in the NPS
- Advocate for the strengthening of local policies and programs that overlap with priorities and recommendations listed in the NPS
- Enhance data collection activities on chronic diseases, especially in the area of epidemiology
- Work with other partner organizations, local health departments, and the Federal government to disseminate lessons learned
To learn more about the National Prevention Strategy, click here.
Full Text Description: National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is a health observance created by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to deliver the scientific facts to youth about the effects and consequences of drug abuse on the brain, body and behavior. More than 500 educational events and activities will be held by high schools, community centers, prevention programs, juvenile justice and teen court services and other organizations across the country to shatter the myths about drugs and addiction. NACCHO members are encouraged to get involved and plan events during NDFW.
Archived Webinar - National Drug Facts Week: A Local Example
On January 8, 2015, NACCHO hosted a webinar on National Drug Facts Week (NDFW). On this webinar, Brian Marquis, NIDA's Public Liaison Officer, discussed how easy it is to participate in NDFW and utilize NIDA's free materials, such as the Shatter the Myths booklet and the National Drug IQ Challenge. Adria Masoner, Health Education Specialist at South Central Public Health Department in Idaho, discusses how her local health department collaborated with community partners to educate teens about the harms of drug abuse. Click here to view the recorded webinar.